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Mission Statement:
The PACSS is an online workshop and conference with a focus on interdisciplinary collaboration. Our aim is to bridge the gap between theoretical computer science and practical performance analysis. The focus of the conference is on answering practical and contextual questions using the methods of computer science in the context of elite sport.
Dear Partners, Colleagues and Friends,
After recent engagement with both members of the International Society of Performance Analysis of Sport (ISPAS) and the International Association of Computer Science in Sport (IACSS), the organising committee have taken into consideration members wishes. To this end we, the organizing committee, have a news update. It may not surprise you to hear that the 13th World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport (WCPAS XIII) & 13th International Symposium on Computer Science in Sport will be postponed once more, till 2022 in order to be held in-person on the 10-13 September in Vienna, Austria.
However, as promised in our update letter regarding possible contingencies and to give the authors who have already submitted their contributions a platform to present their work, we will, in addition to postponing the WCPAS&IACSS to 2022, be holding a virtual joint ISPAS and IACSS conference, titled the 9th International Performance Analysis Workshop and Conference & 5th IACSS Conference on the 30 and 31 August 2021.
The theme for this virtual conference and workshop is to include how computer scientists and performance analysts can work together to solve both applied and research-based problems and involve a mixture of keynote presentations, interactive workshops and both oral and e-poster presentations.
Final submission for abstract deadline for the 2021 conference is 15th April 2021 (follow process here: https://wcpas2021.univie.ac.at/registration/abstract-paper-submission/). Delegates who submitted abstracts to the original event can decide to present at this joint workshop and conference in 2021 or defer the joint congress in 2022.
We aim to release the following key information by end of April: (1) Revised pricing structure to reflect the virtual conference, (2) Keynote speakers, and (3) New official website for the 9th International Performance Analysis Workshop and Conference & 5th IACSS Conference.
Information for authors who have already submitted contributions:
If you would like your abstract to be considered for the online conference in 2021 or you would like your abstract to be considered for the congress in 2022 we ask you to Email us at wcpas-iacss2021.sportscience@univie.ac.at, stating the title of the abstract as well as stating which year you would like to present.
It is hoped that this revised structure will enhance the ability of members to participate in both events and strengthen as well as promote collaborations in this emerging area of research and practice.
Further clarifications will be provided through announcements when more information becomes available however we wanted to inform members as swiftly as possible. Therefore, please be aware that the information contained on the current website will take some time to reflect the changes presented in this email.
Queries to be directed to: wcpas-iacss2021.sportscience@univie.ac.at
With thanks and best wishes,
Organising Committee
The 9th International Performance Analysis Workshop and Conference & 5th IACSS Conference is organised / hosted by the University of Vienna in cooperation with ISPAS & IACSS.
Organizing Associations:
International Association of Computer Science in Sport (IACSS)
The International Association of Computer Science in Sport (IACSS), and the predessesor (the WorkingGroup COSISP), have been founded to improve the international cooperation in the field of Computer Science in Sport..

International Society of Performance Analysis of Sport (ISPAS)
The ISPAS exists to provide an infrastructure of professionalisation, information and training opportunities for all Performance Analysts, whether they be interested amateurs, professional consultants or academics

University of Vienna
The main organizer of this event is the University of Vienna (Centre for Sport Science and University Sports).